What Would Popo J Do?

Below are easy lifestyle choices made by Popo J that promote healthy skin. Skin care is personal and should fit your lifestyle. Pick that ones that are easy to incorporate, or have fun and try all of them!


Drink Soup

Popo J would make soup at least once per day. Broth based soups are packed with nutrients and hydrate from the inside out. They warm you up and keep your body moving.

Wear a Hat

Popo J wore a hat everytime she was outside to shield herself from sun, wind and other elements. This became her signature look. A hat is such an easy way to stay protected.

Eat Plants

Popo J incorporated a plant based foods into every dish, snack and even dessert. From fruits and vegetables, to seeds, nuts, and herbs, plant based foods brightened and enlightened her dishes. This can be as easy as adding berries to dessert, adding cinnamon to oatmeal or microgreens to any dish.


Popo J

Wear a Covered Clothing

Popo J wore long sleeves everyday. This protected her from the elements and kept her warm.

Self Care

Popo J